Punjab’s chief minister, Maryam Nawaz, has made the decision to deal with the low-income housing situation in her province. She’s introduced a new housing scheme called Apni Chhat Apna Ghar. The goal of the project is to build 100,000 new affordable homes for the province’s impoverished, providing them with a place to live.
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Apna Ghar Apni Chhat Scheme Eligibility Criteria
- families from lower socioeconomic categories.
- people making less than 60,000 rupees a month.
- those who are not above the poverty threshold.
- Families without their own homes are given preference.
Apna Ghar Apni Chhat Scheme Details of the Scheme
- Every district in Punjab would first see the construction of 3000 homes.
- Easy installment payments over a five-year period are possible with this payment plan.
- Each apartment will cost a total of Rs. 1.5 million, including a 60% subsidy from the Punjab government.
- Potential homeowners can buy units by making installment payments equal to 40% of the total cost.
Apna Ghar Apni Chhat Scheme Cities Included in the Scheme
The following six cities will host the scheme’s launch:
- Lahori
- Rawalpindi
- Faisalabad
- Sialkot
- Sargodha Multan
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The housing plan called “Apni Chatt Apna Ghar” is an excellent initiative by the Punjab government, led by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif. Those who struggle to obtain a home and do not currently own one will be happy with this strategy. They won’t have to pay rent because they can own and occupy their own homes thanks to this program. Sign up for the program right away if you also wish to be a home owner.
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Who can apply for the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar program?
Individuals earning less than 60,000 rupees per month, families from lower-income groups, and those who are impoverished are also eligible. Families without homes of their own are given preference.
How much does each apartment cost in total?
Each apartment will cost a total of Rs. 1.5 million, of which the Punjab government would subsidize 60% of the price.
How can I buy an apartment using this program?
Potential homeowners can buy apartments by paying 40 percent down payment and five years of installments.
In what number of units would each district first be built?
Three thousand homes will be built in each of Punjab’s districts at first.