Sun. Sep 8th, 2024
Roshan Gharana Scheme

The Punjab Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz, launched the Roshan Gharana Scheme. Residents of Punjab will receive 50,000 solar systems as part of this scheme. Up to 100 units of solar systems will be made available to 50,000 protected consumers during the program’s initial phase. A contemporary solar plate inverter and other necessary components make up a solar system. You have been given all the information you need to know about this program in this article. Read this post through to the end if you want all the information.

Roshan Gharana Scheme

Secretary Energy briefed participants at a review meeting on solar household solutions, which was chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif. During the discussion, it was determined to give solar systems to 50,000 protected consumers. Other customers will be given access to residential solar systems, as stated by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif. The first phase of the scheme has been allotted 12.6 billion rupees. Additionally, the Punjabi Chief Minister mandated quick action on this program. He underlined that modern solar plate inverter batteries and other devices should be a part of the solar system. In addition, he oversaw the creation of a more contemporary solar system.

Roshan Gharana Scheme

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Roshan Gharana Scheme Online Regisration

The Punjab government has not yet released the registration process for this program, but it will do so shortly. Users with up to 100 units will be allowed to finish their registration during the first phase, according to the most recent update.

Those users who finish the registration process will be entered into a drawing. The government crew will next visit the fortunate clients’ homes and install the solar system. You’ll be informed of all updates about registration as soon as they become available. Talking about registration will be premature because no registration mechanism has been introduced yet.

Roshan Gharana Scheme Benifits

Aiming to supply 50,000 clients free solar systems, Chief Minister Punjab announced this campaign. People’s electricity bills will then clearly start to decline following that. They’ll also have better financial circumstances. Rising inflation and Punjab’s pricey power have made many quite anxious. The government made this choice in order to alleviate these individuals’ issues. Through this scheme, there will also be a noticeable decrease in electricity rates.

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Ending Words

The Roshan Gharana Program, launched by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, promises a bright future with its distribution of 50,000 solar systems. As homes light up with clean energy, this initiative illuminates pathways towards sustainable living for Punjab’s residents.

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